The Career Rapist Part One

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”Any time you look into the face of a man you must realize you are looking into the face of a rapist. I do not care if the man is White; the young and White kill as often and with as much frequency as the old and Black. Nothing precludes a man from being a rapist. Nothing! It does not matter if this man is your father, brother, cousin, uncle or grandfather. Any time you look into the face of a man you must realize you are looking into the face of a rapist. This is a life saving assumption. To think counter to this assumption is to put your life in that man’s hands.”
Gloria G. Lee, women’s activist

The aim of this book is not to sensationalize nor is it to make you cower in terror. Fear mongering is not conducive to the change we need to see in this country, knowledge is.

The fact of the matter is women need to understand that there are men with dark thoughts in our society who use their every waking moment to hunt women.

That is right, American women are being hunted. Please do not scoff. What we say is true. American women are being hunted in this country by men who want to do them harm. You do not have to quake in fear, you can arm yourself with the facts and information you need to fight back. The true aim of this book is to empower you to take control, to fight for yourself, and to fight for your family.

This book contains extremely sensitive information. Our apologizes and condolences to the reader if this information is regarding a relative, love ne, an or friend. Although this book contains in certain areas explicit descriptions of violence, extreme care was taken to allow the victims as much dignity as possible.

As you read you will realize these descriptions were made to expand our understanding of violence and to prevent violence against women and children.

Trying to identify a rapist or a murderer by sight is no different than blind folding yourself and going eeenie meenie miney mo. Identifying a rapist by sight cannot be done. Their identity does not lie in their appearance, their identity lies in their behavior. Men must be watched. This is why every time you look into the face of a man you know he stands to be a rapist, be he father, brother or husband. Women need to improve their odds in escaping a rapist. Believing a male is too young to be a rapist or a man is too nice to be a rapist or a man has too much money to be a rapist is stupid. The death of the women we researched disproves all of these notions. No male is too young to be a rapist, no male has too much money to be a rapist, and no male is too nice to be a rapist. In fact, there is no condition that precludes a fully developed male from being a rapist or a murderer, including blindness.