The Career Rapist Part Two

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You Cannot Tell a Rapist by His Appearance You Can Only Identify A Rapist by His Conduct.
His Greatest Weapon is His Smile. His Primary Objective is Opportunity.

This book was written to eliminate all of the emotional and intellectual hiding places of women.  After reading this book you will not be able to stick your head in the sand any longer.  Rape can happen to you and murder can happen to you and to anyone in your family or group of friends at any time and any place.  The American woman is going to have to face the monsters in this country and defeat them.  We cannot continue to allow men to rape and murder women and children at will.  And we cannot continue to allow men and boys to force women and female children into a world of prostitution.
All a rapist needs is opportunity. He will act. He will act immediately or return after surveilling the area several times setting up the kill scene. A rapist is always looking for an opportunity. He will smile to appear friendly and look for isolation or helplessness in his victim. Above all he will strike. Ask yourself have I set up an environment for a rapist to strike. If so correct your behavior. The reason why the rapist has been successful is that women have failed to realized more than half the assaults committed against women are not related to domestic violence. We are so preoccupied with the word domestic violence the rapist has escaped our attention. We need to consider all assaults against women.

You are to never forget what you have learned while reading this book. Never!  You are to teach it to your children, both male and female. They need to know there are evil forces in the world working toward their destruction. We can hopefully avoid many pitfalls by being alert to the dangers around us including being alert to the person with the winning smile. He is the most dangerous person of all, the man with the winning smile who offers you a drink or helps with your car.

Volume Three is about 4,055 women who lost their lives because of a Career Rapist. Their assailant waited for his opportunity to strike. He did not have the face of a rapist. No one expected this behavior. What shocked most people were the assailant was so ordinary in his person. He used his position to gain access to the victim. His actions were unexpected.

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