About Us

The National Institute of The Study of Violence

We are the National Institute of The Study of Violence. We are dedicated to preventing violence against women and children. Our mission is to lead and advocate for social change. In order to accomplish our goals, we have taken the extraordinary step of publishing several books regarding violence against women and children. The series is entitled “Do This In Remembrance of Me.” The core of violence against women and children must be attacked if we are to eradicate this social problem. Society has to say once and for all violence against women and children are both morally and legally wrong and we are committed to eradicating this problem. Several years ago our country decided we would go to the moon and that we would eradicate measles and chickenpox as diseases that attack our children. After some time, we accomplished these goals. Several years ago a group of women formed the organization MADD. In a few years the deaths due to drunk drivers declined due to a massive social change with respect to driving under the influence. Law enforcement was involved, but attitudes were changed. Therefore, one must conclude that any goal our country commits itself to solving will be solved. So the problem of violence against women and children can be solved with the commitment of society.

Violence against women and children is not a man versus woman issue. Violence against women and children has nothing to do with the war of the sexes and it has nothing to do with homosexuality or with a woman wanting to wear the pants in the family. Violence against women and children is about equality and about sovereignty, freedom and power. Violence against women and children is a community issue and violence against women and children should be seen as a community issue by all the groups in our society. The church should see violence against women and children as a community issue. The police should see violence against women and children as a community issue. The legislature should see violence against women and children as a community issue and the judiciary should see violence against women and children as a community issue. Once the men and women of this country see violence against women and children as a community issue affecting our stability as a nation we will see it is time for us to change. It is time for America to attempt the greatest social change it has ever conducted since the freeing of the Black slaves, because violence against women and children strikes at the soul of our consciousness and the reputation of America as being a free and just nation.

Violence against women is not a pleasant subject for conversation and many people simply ignore the violence around them pretending that it doesn’t exist even when they see violence occurring in their own family. Nevertheless, violence against women and children is a real issue, your daughters and grandchildren are being injured or murdered everyday so this issue must be confronted by the entire community if the violence is to stop. Apathy is not the answer. Action is the answer. And in order to take action you must have information, thus the purpose of the books being offered for sale on our website. After reading this book you will have sufficient information to advocate for the final liberation of women.

Violence against women is taking an enormous emotional and financial toll on this country. Every day our sons and daughters are falling prey to the seduction of sex and drugs. Our children are being led to believe a man should do anything for money, including selling his body for sex. Our children are also being taught integrity is spelled “CHEAT.” If you can’t win, cheat. Man should do whatever he has to do to get ahead. It is OK to lie, cheat and steal. It is OK to sell women and children. Deceit is all part of the game. Twelve and thirteen year old girls are being taught to dress seductively without being mature enough to have custody of their bodies. Statutory rape is no longer vigorously prosecuted in this country allowing for the wholesale seduction of young children. We cannot sit in church and hope that the problem will go away. We must fight. We must have courage in face of adversity to stand up if we are to live our lives in peace and harmony. We must break through the barrier of fear. We must decide if what we fear is more dangerous to us than doing nothing. You can no longer sit in huddles and gossip about your next door neighbour or your friend’s husband you must make a contribution.

Your contribution can be as little as becoming informed and teaching your children about integrity and character and respecting themselves. Or you can go beyond collecting information and participate in the elevation of the self-esteem of those living around you. Either way you will be making a difference and a contribution to your community and to yourself. The survival of any people is predicated on the lives of the young and how well a community changes. History has taught us that the survival of any species is predicated on adaptation and change. We must now seriously consider changing if we are to survive as the nation our forefathers designed.

We know from the 20,000 murders we investigated that the violence we are seeing in our homes and in the street is directly related to drug use and the absence of fathers in the home. This situation can be changed. But it will require all of us working together against an enemy who has convinced us that there is nothing we can do about violence except to ignore it. The Institute believes the solution to violence is simple. Violence can be eradicated when people change and change begins with all of us. We must change the way we treat ourselves and we must change the way we treat our families and we must change the way we treat others. If we forge change in ourselves society will change around us.